Reception Gallery & Work 23/24


We have had a wonderful first week in reception exploring all the areas in our classroom and school. We took a trip to the garden to enjoy the sunshine where we found conkers, pinecones and a spider in its web!  We have been looking at the story of ‘The Rainbow Fish’ we learnt all about sharing and how sharing helps us all to be happy and make friends. We also had a go at thinking of describing words to describe Rainbow Fish.  

He has a blue face – Vera  

He has lots of sparklies – Kiana  

He has a blue eye – Kade  


The Colour Monster

This week in Reception,  we have enjoyed reading the story of ‘The colour Monster’. The poor monster was feeling all mixed up and  he didn’t know why, but luckily, he had a good friend on hand to help him sort through his feelings. The story led us to talk about lots of different feelings and the things that make us feel a certain way. We also discussed things we can do to help ourselves and our friends through feelings of sadness or anger. We know that some feelings make us feel good and others are more difficult, but that all feelings are ok to feel and that it is important that we learn to recognise and manage our emotions.

“My mam makes me happy.” Dixon

“I’m happy when we share.” Dixon

“If you get a present you could feel surprised.” Ethan

“I would be sad if someone snatched.” Franklin

“You can take big breaths to feel calm.” Henry

Monter Maths

In maths, we have been doing lots of great counting. We used tweezers to count the correct amount of pompoms into numbered cups, this allowed us to use our fine motor skills as well as our knowledge of numbers. We represented numbers in another way by counting out the correct number of coloured squares from a large group to show numbers 1 to 10 in a chart.

Parachute PE

We really enjoyed playing some parachute games in our hall. We helped the colour monster to sort through his feelings and each emotion was attached to a particular colour.  Different coloured balls were all mixed up on the parachute, and we worked as a team to pop them all off before sorting them by colour. Then we played a listening game, we listened carefully for 2 colours and emotions to be called and quickly swapped places with a friend, whilst the parachute was up in the air.​