School Council


Article 12 : Every child has the right to express their views, feelings and wishes in all matters affecting them, and to have their views considered and taken seriously

Article 13 :  Every child must be free to express their thoughts and opinions and to access all kinds of information, as long as it is within
the law.


At the beginning of the year, our children took part in elections for our school council. Classes took turns to visit the polling station to cast their votes; the winning candidates were announced in assembly after every class had voted. 


During the Autumn Term, the focus of school council meetings was anti-bullying. We discussed ideas for Anti-bullying week and brought our class ideas to meetings. We had some brilliant ideas from our classes for activities to do during the week.

The whole school participated in a poster competition and we had the difficult job of choosing the winners. There were some fantastic entries and it was a really difficult decision.

The Foundation of Light kindly funded two new friendship benches which were placed on the KS2 yard following the launch of our anti-bullying buddies during Anti-bullying week.


The focus of our School Council will be to ensure that Highfield is an Anti Bullying school. We are looking forward to continuing our work on anti-bullying next term to ensure that were are ready to achieve the anti-bullying charter mark.