Year 1 Gallery & Work 23/24




In maths this week in Year 1, we have been learning how to count in 2s, 5s and 10s. We have practiced counting together as a class, using groups of objects to help. We then used a 100s square to look at patterns in our numbers looking at the ones to help us. We then used out counting skills to count objects which are in groups of 2, 5 and 10.

‘we can count in 10’s because it will be quicker’ – Gabriella

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In English we have been looking at non fictions texts. We have worked really hard on our writing making sure we use finger spaces and full stops. We have also been focusing on when to use capital letters making sure we use them at the start of a sentence and for names or people and places. Mrs Davies and our teachers are overjoyed with all our hard work.

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In science this term we have been learning about materials and their properties. This week we carried out an experiment to see what objects and materials were waterproof. We made our predictions before carrying out the experiment.

“I predict that the rubber duck will be waterproof” said Pippa.

“I predict the sock will not be waterproof because it is made of fabric” said Zara.

We then put the objects into water and watched to see if the object changed because of the water. If it changed it was not waterproof. If it did not change and the water rolled off then it was waterproof.

We loved being scientists and doing an investigation. We recorded our results in a table in our books. We then checked to see if our predictions were correct.

“I predicted the water bottle correctly because it was waterproof” said Dalton.

“I predicted the sponge incorrectly because I thought it was going to be waterproof but it was absorbent” said Willow.



This week in year 1 we have been continuing our science unit all about everyday materials. We looked at lots of different objects we could find, discussed what material they are made from, and what properties that object has. We used words such as soft, hard, stiff, bendy, absorbent, waterproof, opaque and transparent. Could you help us continue our learning at home by finding materials with different properties around your houses.


In maths we have been looking at our numbers to 50. This week we have been ordering numbers deciding if we use the tens or the ones to help us sort them.

‘if the tens are the same we need to use the ones’ – Harry


This week in maths we have been learning how to count and work with number to 50. We have ordered the numbers, learnt to recognise all of the numbers from 0 to 50, and been counting up to 50 with the help of ten frames. We have learnt to find what is one more than a number to 50.

“One more than 38 is 39” said Olivia.

“One more than 49 is 50” said Cole.

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In English this week we have been reading the story ‘My Pet Star’ by Corrine Averiss. This is the story about a star who falls from space and is found by a little girls. We really enjoyed this story and thought it was very sweet.

“I like this story because it is a very lovely story” said Zara L.

“I like the story too because I love stars” said Olivia.

“I love it because I like it when the star becomes bright and yellow again” said Danaia.

We have sequenced the parts of the story and talked about why it is important that a story has a beginning, a middle and an end. Next week we will be creating our own pet star and writing sentences to describe it.

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We have had a very festive time in Year 1 in the lead up to Christmas. We made crowns to wear and we thoroughly enjoyed our Christmas dinner. We enjoyed wearing our Christmas jumpers. 

We loved Christmas jumper day and raising money for Save the Children. Here are some of our Christmas jumpers. We think they look so fun and festive.

“we love raising money for charities” said Boden.

“if you bring money in for Christmas jumper day it can help people to have a better Christmas. Even if it's just a little bit of money” said Layla.

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We had a great time last week at our Christmas performance showing all of our grown ups our fantastic acting, speaking and singing. We hope you loved it as much as we did! Thank you for coming.


In maths we have been continuing learning to work with numbers to 20. We have been adding and subtracting with these numbers. We have used a lot of practical resources to help us, such as number lines, cubes and part whole models. Keep helping us at home by counting to 20 with us and showing us numbers to 20 to see if we can say what number it is.

Fruit Salad

This week in Design Technology we have finished our fruit and vegetables topic by making a fruit salad. We very carefully used knives to cut the fruit, peeled the oranges and scooped the melon. We made sure our hands were washed and clean. We chose what was in our fruit salad to make sure it was tasty and healthy.

“The orange is sweet” said Melia.

“The kiwi is tangy” said Rhkiya.

“The melon is juicy and my favourite” said Pippa.

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Maths - numbers to 20

In year 1 we have been looking at numbers to 20. We have ordered the numbers and then compared them. We have been using the dienes to make number to 20 – making sure we have the correct number of tens and ones.

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Children in Need 

On Friday we had a fun day raising money for Children in Need. We talked about why we are raising money and who we are helping by doing so. We decorated some biscuits to look spoty like Pudsey.

"I love Pudsey Day" says Dalton.

Lost in the Toy Museum 

In English we are reading Lost in the Toy Museum. We have looked at the characters and thought about the best words we could use to describe them.

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Science - Wild Cities Workshop 

This week in Year 1 we were very lucky to be able to do an amazing Science workshop. The Workshop was called Wild Cities and we looked at different building how they are eco friendly. We discussed the characteristics and features of animals and how we could use these to design buildings. We used Lego and blocks to build our buildings. We has so much fun.

Maths - measuring

In maths we have been looking at measurement. We used cubes to estimate and predict the height and length of different things in the classroom. We then looked at rules deciding if it was best to use a meter stick or a ruler. We used a ruler to measure different lengths of ribbon – making sure we start at 0.


Science - exploring Autumn

This half term in Year 1 we have been looking at seasons. We visited the garden to look for signs of Autumn. We used our senses to describe what we found. We noticed that the trees were bare and the leaves had all fallen to the floor. The leaves were all different colours – brown, red, orange. We heard the crunch under our feet as we walked on them. We used magnifying glasses to look under thing to spot any insects too.



This week in maths we have been learning about subtraction. We have been taking away numbers from a bigger amount. We have talked about making sure our answer always makes a smaller number.

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RE - different religions 

This week in RE we have been learning about three different religions. We have learn all about Muslim people, Jewish people, and Christian people. Did you know Muslim people go to a Mosque to worship? But Christian people go to a church, and Jewish people go to a synagogue. We now know a lot more about these religions and are looking forward to learning even more about it in the next few weeks.


This week in Geography we have been learning about human features and physical features around our school. We have sorted the features into human and physical, and learnt that human features are things build by humans but physical features are things that are natural.

We drew human and physical features of our school, such as the trees, gate and road leading up to school.

We learnt and ordered our school address.

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This week in maths we have been learning to do addition using the part whole model. We have been partitioning the numbers into two parts and writing number sentences to show how these numbers add together to make a whole. We have started to write number sentences using the ‘+’ and ‘=‘ signs. Could you help us practice our number bonds to 10 at home?

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In English this week we have been reading the story ‘It’s Your World Now’ by Barry Falls. We have been talking about all of our favourite things in the world and the things we think are marvellous. We have talked about what jobs we want to have when we are older and learnt to write some of these.


Recently in Geography we have been learning about the parts of the UK. We have been talking about what the weather and climate looks like in the different seasons. We know all about Autumn, Spring, Summer and Winter from our science learning and enjoyed to use this to help us with our geography too.

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Welcome to Year 1!

We have had a fantastic first week in Year 1! We have been learning so much and enjoying our new classrooms. In English we have been practising our writing and reading skills and talking all about ourselves. We have been sounding out words to read them and write them and have been learning how to use describing words. 

In Maths we have been focusing on our numbers 0 to 10 and practising our counting skills. We have been reading the words for the numbers and trying to sound these out or read them on sight. Please could you help us with this at home so we can become maths superstar counters?


In Science we are learning all about the seasons and how to spot the signs for Summer, Autumn, Winter and Spring. We have created paintings to show what the Autumn trees will look like soon.

 In Geography we have started the topic Me and My World. We have created messy maps to show an arial view of our classroom! We used different objects and toys to represent the tables, chairs, carpet space, whiteboards, reading areas and all the other parts of our new classes. We found this really fun and enjoyed learning map reading and making skills.

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