Year 3 Gallery & Work 23/24


Searching for food in the Stone Age

In History, we have been looking at how the search for food has changed between the different periods of the Stone Age.

Charlie said ‘People in the Neolithic became farmers and grew their own wheat to make bread.’

Reece said ‘The search for food changed because they had more technology to make tools.’

Fantastic Fossils

In Science, we have been learning all about fossils and how they can be formed in different ways. This week we looked at mould fossils and created our own before explaining how these are formed.

William Morris

In Art, we have imprinted our own wallpaper designs inspired by William Morris using card to make a printing block.

Wild Cities

This week, we enjoyed taking part in a fantastic Science workshop called 'Wild Cities', where we used our imagination to design and construct a building taking inspiration from wild animals. We enjoyed learning about the different characteristics of each animal. We had to think carefully about how to join parts of our building together using Lego and recycled materials.


Stone Age Workshop

This week in year three we took part in a fantastic Stone Age workshop to enhance our learning of what life was like in the Stone Age. We learnt how the first people lived their everyday lives, how they lit fires and learnt how to make a Stone Age shelter.

Noah said “I really enjoyed building a shelter and learning how to light a fire.”

Leo said “I enjoyed learning about the different ways to light a fire.”

We are mathematicians!

In Maths, we have been working hard to understand place value. We have been learning how to partition numbers to 1000 in different ways and the value of different digits in 3-digit numbers.

Where does our food come from?

In English, we have been drafting our explanation texts based on our Geography topic, ‘Where does our food come from?’ We have been working hard to include features that we have learnt and we are looking forward to sharing our final pieces.

In Geography, we have been learning about tropical and temperate climate zones. We have been learning about the process of wheat and bananas and how they are transported back to the UK.  We have also been learning about fair trade and how this benefits countries who grow the products we consume.


We have had a wonderful start to the new school year and have settled well into our new routines. We have enjoyed our first full week back and have been exploring how food is produced around the world, in our new Geography topic.

In Maths, we have begun our work on place value and we are understanding how to represent numbers in different ways.

In English, we have been learning about explanation texts and how to use conjunctions, adverbs and fronted adverbials to make our sentences more interesting. We have been working hard to use the features we have learnt in our own writing.

In PSHE, we have been discussing the important people in our lives and the qualities of being a good friend.